
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Buried Child and 6 Deaths Too Many

Ride On Logan, Ride On...
     2-Year-Old Logan Hunter Coleman was buried today. He died after taking antibiotics for strep throat. Yet, they’re not 100% sure that is the cause because the autopsy is not back yet.
     This was Ernest, my Stepdad's niece Misty, 2-year-old little boy. That might sound confusing, but Ernest has 20 some-odd brother's and sister's. Therefore, it's a big family. What you do need to understand is although it's sudden and sad; Logan’s Death is not the only recent sudden loss in this family! 
     Baby Logan Hunter Coleman was a precious baby with parents, who loved and cared for him very much! His loving brother and sister will also grieve the loss of Logan. I would be lying if I said I knew these people well. However, the unexpected death of a two-year- baby really touched my heart and I wanted to share my condolences to the family.
     Because Ernest’s family is so large, they have lost six members in just 3 months: Lost from earth, yet no longer suffering. I was only really close to one of the members and funerals are too hard for me to bear. Therefore, I did not attend most services. But, I did go to Brandi Newsome’s; Ernest's niece who was 2- years younger than me, and passed away in December. Besides the death of my father, that was the second hardest death I have had to grieve. She and I had lost touch but we were very close growing up.
     Now, Ernest’s family is keeping the funeral home in business because they have 2 family members in the same funeral home at once. The attending family member’s went back and forth between Logan and family member Butch Jackson, who also passed away. Ernest also worked with him for 20 years. Therefore, even though Logan was buried today and sent to be an angel, the family is going back to the funeral home tomorrow. Unfortunately, Ernest’s entire family has been going to the funeral home at least once a week.
     Although I really only knew one of these family members personally, it makes me realize how precious life is. I am a control freak!! The truth is, I have no control over when people live or die!!!! Even with celebrities like Whitney Houston, death often come as a surprise.
     Who could be next? Could the people or family members I love most die tomorrow? Could my nephew get hit by a car and the doctor’s tell my stepsister she has no choice left but to pull the plug?? I tear up just thinking about it! How would I handle it? I’m not sure I could and I’m not even his mother. 
       Anyway, I just want to tell my stepdad Ernest’s family that I admire your strength and courage and hope that this week is your last funeral home visit. I know that y’all have had a string of bad luck. However, death always teaches us something. I hope you are able to grieve sooner rather than later so that you are able to learn the lesson that death teaches.

I am sorry for all your losses and if any of you have a bad moment and need to talk to someone, feel free to call me. (even if we have never met)   

Brandi Newsone
Butch Jackson
Freddy Baker
Grandpa Ford
Logan Hunter Coleman

[Retrieved from Debbie Walker's (My Mom's) Facebook Wall on 2/23/12]
Two little eyes discovering what's new
Two little hands touching everything in view
A sweet little voice asking you why
A mischievous smile and a whimpering cry
Two little feet jumping on the floor
A toddler's mission is to explore
Little Logan was a child of love
He's now in heaven with God above.
-----In memory of Logan Hunter Coleman 


  1. Incredible young lady. What a talent you have at putting the emotions that I am sure so many people are experiencing into words. I will continue to follow your blog. God bless you.
    Anita Woolard (an SPG sister of Deb, Judy, and Karla)

    1. Thanks very much, Anita!!! Make sure you click the blue button that says "Join This Site" on the right-hand side at the top of the page to be notified everytime I publish a blog!

  2. awesome job Melanie..I am very proud of you, continue with your well written blogs.

    1. Thank you very much! I appreciate it greatly! Anonymous comments always make wonder who wrote them.. it leaves me up all night in suspicion! :) Feel free to follow my blog and subscribe so your name appears on your comments. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!


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