
Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Oscar Prediction's and Commentary of a Movie Lover

It’s Oscar time-The time of year that I stare at the TV for hours because I love movies! There’s the actual Oscars, the pre-show, and the pre-pre show! Oh, plus the Academy Awards is never officially complete until I watch the Oscar Fashion Wrap-up with Joan Rivers. This is like the Super Bowl for movie nerds!
I realize that some of you might not keep up with Oscars and movies as much as I do. Therefore, this Blog will enlighten you on what to expect this year. I’ll include nominations for the top categories and my predictions of winners. If you disagree with my predictions, feel free to comment & let me know!
The Oscar telecast should be great this year! Billy Crystal is hosting for the 9th time because Eddie Murphy dropped out of this is years hosting gig. As a Oscar Host, Crystal never disappoints and brings plenty of spontaneity and wit!

The 84th Academy Awards is Breaking New Ground
2012 is the year of the silent film and women, particularly African- American Women. Giving captivating performances and transporting us into their intense character’s, several well-deserving actresses fill the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress categories this year. 

February is Black History month, and I predict the 84th Oscar telecast will reflect that, and give two black actresses Academy Awards for both actress’ categories. If this happens, it will be the first time in Oscar history that 2 African-American women won both top actress awards. With so many fine performances, I think it will be a close race in Best Actress category. However, even though Meryl Streep gave a striking performance and is always an Oscar favorite, I believe Viola Davis is taking home Best Actress for her powerfully, introverted character in The Help.  I think that even though her co-star Jessica Chastain won’t win for her Best-Supporting Actress, you had better plan to see a whole lot of her in the future. As well as giving an awesome performance in The Help, Chastain was also in Best Picture nominee The Tree of Life with Brad Pitt and Sean Pean. Davis' other Co-star, Octavia Spencer is a no-brainer for the Best-Supporting Actress category and if she loses that will be the biggest shocker of the night!
This year also brought famous moviemakers into new territory. Woody Allen came out of New York with Midnight in Paris and my long-time favorite, Martin Scorsese, stepped out of his R-Rated genre with a 3-D family movie, Hugo.

Best Picture Nominee's
           Best Picture nomine The Help is of course the biggest moneymaker of all the nominees. It is certainly the people’s favorite for Best Picture. I enjoyed it very much and think it was very worthy of all its nominations. The Tree of Life was unlike most movies, but I liked it because I like movies that make you think outside the box. However, it’s not the kind of movie for everyone and can be hard to follow. War Horse was okay, I think my expectations were too high for the movie and it was too sappy at times. The Descendants was a decent movie that can keep a movie-lover audience full-filled. I haven’t seen Moneyball since it was in the theaters which was several months ago. But, I do remember liking it. I enjoyed it and was pleased with the movie. However, at the time, I did not think it was Oscar material-guess I was wrong there. Midnight in Paris was funny and witty. Even though I enjoy Woody Allen movies, I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. Every American should see Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Even though the script seems implausible at times, it is a good reminder of the effects that 9/11 had on the people it directly affected. The movie is not too sappy, but does make you tear up a few times. Martin Scorsese is my favorite director, but I must admit Hugo is the only Best Picture nominee I have not seen. I decided that I only would see it in 3-D and whenever I was looking, it was never showing at any theaters close to me, which stunk!
          Finally, My favorite Best Picture of the Year is The Artist. I try to see all Best Picture nominees, but I was not sure if I would be able to follow a silent movie because I had never seen one before. However, The Artist does a very clever job at introducing the audience to silence movies and I was more captivated by The Artist than any movie all year long. It is amazing how much can be expressed through non-verbal communication-approximately 53% of communication comes from face, 38% from the voice, and 7% from words. Everything about The Artist was great, and the actors were incredible, especially Best-Supporting Actress nominee Berenice Bejo and Best Actor nominee Jean Dujardin (Don’t be surprised if he wins, he speaks mostly in French-He doesn't speak good English!)  

Well, that’s all I have on the Oscar movies and what to expect from the 84th Oscar telecast. See the list below on my predictions on who will win the top categories. I know I didn’t touch on the most important topic of the night, but it was just too difficult to predict. So you will just have to stay tuned to find out..."WHO ARE YOU WEARING"???


The Artist- Who I Think Will Win
War Horse
The Descendants
The Tree of Life
Midnight in Paris
The Help
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist- Who I Think Will Win
Alexander Payne, The Descendants
Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life

Demian Bichir, A Better Life
George Clooney, The Descendants
Jean Dujardin, The Artist -Who I Think Will Win
Gary Oldman, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Brad Pitt, Moneyball

Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis, The Help- Who I Think Will Win
Rooney Mara, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn

Jonah Hill, Moneyball
Kenneth Branagh, My Week With Marilyn
Max von Sydow, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Nick Nolte, Warrior
Christopher Plummer, Beginners- Who I Think Will Win

Berenice Bejo, The Artist
Jessica Chastain, The Help
Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids
Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer, The Help- Who I Think Will Win

The Artist
Margin Call
Midnight in Paris- Who I Think Will Win
A Separation

The Descendants- Who I Think Will Win
The Ides of March
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Watch the Oscar Red Carpet Live tonight at 6pm central on ABC and the actual telecast at 7:30 central. Also, if you’re an Oscar junkie like me, E! televises a live countdown to the Red Carpet from like 12:30 central until the ABC broadcast!

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